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East Lake Elementary Directory

Districtwide Directory

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1 2 3 9 > showing 1 - 12 of 102 constituents
Yaseein Abdelaal

Yaseein Abdelaal

Job Title: Sp Ed Paraprofessional
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 952-423-7896
Leah Aeilts

Leah Aeilts

Job Title: Grade 5 Teacher
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x88152
Aida Aly

Aida Aly

Job Title: Sp Ed Paraprofessional
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 952-423-7896
Katie Anderson

Katie Anderson

Job Title: Elem Literacy Interventionist
Locations: East Lake Elementary, Deerwood Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x84817
Megan Augedahl

Megan Augedahl

Job Title: Grade 2 Teacher
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x88140
Sarah Backner

Sarah Backner

Job Title: Grade 1 Teacher
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x84638
Jamie Bailey

Jamie Bailey

Job Title: Sp Ed Paraprofessional
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x83871
Jeffrey Bent

Jeffrey Bent

Job Title: Building Engineer
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-423-7833
Julie Biersack

Julie Biersack

Job Title: Instr & Achievement Specialist
Locations: District Office, Southview Elementary, East Lake Elementary, Woodland Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-423-7913
Danielle Blau

Danielle Blau

Job Title: Sp Ed Resource Teacher
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x88122
Madison Brandl

Madison Brandl

Job Title: Grade 5 Teacher
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x88160
Jen Brost

Jen Brost

Job Title: Sp Ed Due Process Secretary
Locations: East Lake Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: 651-683-6969 x78314
1 2 3 9 > showing 1 - 12 of 102 constituents